One Church | Session 4 | Dilys Brooks | Ephesians 2:11-22

Dilys Brooks


1. In the context of the passage and the lyrics, what does it mean to be "One in the Spirit" and "One in the Lord"? How does this unity relate to the identity of Christians as described by Paul?

2. Why does Paul emphasize the importance of remembering who you were, whose you are, and who you are becoming? How can this remembrance contribute to staying on the assignment of following Jesus?

3. The concept of surrender is discussed, particularly surrendering the past, surrendering to whose you are, and surrendering to the process of becoming. How do these acts of surrender align with the idea of being "built together into a dwelling of God in the Spirit"?

4. How does becoming a "holy temple in the Lord" resonate with the challenges and opportunities of being a diverse and inclusive community, as mentioned in the message to become One Church? How can this process be slow and messy, and why is it essential to keep trying despite failures?